Interim Curate in Charge of The Stour Downs: Reverend Susan Manners

Susan's email is

Parish Mobile: 07526688826

Landline:  01233 500414

Rev Susan pic

We continue to shape what it is to worship and grow in faith together, here in our one parish and its six unique communities and historic places of worship.

Please do get in touch if you have any pastoral concerns, would like a home visit or home communion, or to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral - or you might just like a chat about faith, life or a simple natter over a cup of tea!

Please do have a look at the variety of services on offer across the Parish and try out a style of worship that suits you. A warm welcome awaits you in our friendly churches.

Liz Richardson is our parish Administrator, and she is in the parish office on Monday and Wednesday 9:15am-1:15pm. Contact Liz by email at

Sian Hall is our Parish Safeguarding Officer and can be contacted via or call 07725 859206

Our Parish Church Wardens are: Nicky Colchester, Di Dawson, Gill McBarnet, Anne Puttick (Parish Treasurer), Liz Richardson and Charles Sinden.

 Find us on Instagram StourDowns

or Facebook - Stour Downs Parish